Jan,2010: Came back college after the Sem break and joined an international conference and moreover getting a momento from SHIELA DIXIT….IT FEELS GR88!!
Feb,2010: Had our Radio Baja during M.Z. … were pissed off working and at the end of the day you find people heavenly appreciating our work…IT FEELS GR88!!
Feb,2010: Pleading all friends not to go to Kolkata for that bullshit Paintball game, but no one listened. Got f*cked up and there in Kolkata at 10pm boozed and all sleeping on road in front of railway station…..IT simply FEELS GR88!!
Feb,2010: Came back home..had a bigoo 25th marriage anniversary celebration of my parents and heard people saying “We are feeling as if we have come in someone’s wedding”…IT FEELS GR88!!

Feb,2010: Getting conformation of a foreign intern during summers and being paid more than the IITians selected for the same Univ. ….IT FEELS GR88!!
Mar,2010: Working as a core member for our Cultural Fest, waking up 7am, running to call judges, bunking classes for event arrangements, buying goodies, hosting events and finally at midnight boozing with a tired broken body…IT FEELS GR88!!
Mar,2010: Presenting my 1st domestic paper in our Tech fest and scoring the second position, misunderstandings leading to cancellation of our Radio events from the stage and people wondering why our stage is missing the typical fun they deadly needed…somehow IT FEELS GR88!!
Mar,2010: All friends, juniors and seniors came to celebrate my b’day at 12, getting a Bookey from Jaipur, getting gifts from your school friends through courier, and finally the presence of all your beloved friends in the party even though exams were just a stone throw away….IT FEELS GR88!!
Apr,2010: Identifying some non-deserving people, always creating anticlimax effect, out of your friend circle…and after kicking them out….IT FEELS GR88!!
Apr,2010: Blank with the contents of every single 6th sem subject and asking RAJAN for help and he taking out time especially for you to teach…IT FEELS GR88!!
Apr,2010: Getting to know just one night before the exam that your sitting arrangement is on the second last bench, preparing everything scripted on your “GITA” and not getting caught by the invigilators….IT FEELS GR88!!
Apr,2010: Making arrangements for the MP Family Farewell between our exams, at a new place with all our seniors availing the final MP Family meet together for the last time, opening champagne and ending up with a fab celebration…..IT FEELS GR88!!

Apr,2010: Called for the last Enteract Club meeting by SANJAY & ANKIT and being declared the new PRESIDENT of the club…..IT FEELS GR88!! hehehehee
May,2010: Staying back in the college after exams and meeting all our final years..”partying” with them everynight and inducing the “Feel Good” factor in them…IT FEELS GR88!!
May,2010: Working independently with NIRUPAM,proposing your own Project proposal…attending phone calls of internationally recognized Scientists, NGOs and getting their due help….IT FEELS GR88!!
May,2010: Completely ignoring all the good you have mentioned in the above points...PRIYANKA SINGH arguing with you “Sab jagah charche hain ki aajkal tu bahut blah blah blah….”, declaring you good for nothing types and you politely smiling on her believing on the worthless rumors…..IT FEELS GR88!!
It seriously feels GR88 if after having all the fun and doing all the nonsense things one could do in his/her life, you achieve what you desired and planned for your professional career!!
Baki daru pani chalta rahe.. no probs….…LIFE Rocks!!