It is more o less the clear view f the U turn in ma lyf...The radio meeting @ back canteen n V had to decide our RJ pairs n a show. Swati n I were the pair fo "BLIND DATE" n among the freshers v were d 1st ones to start recording. V decided d concept "A pair not much known to each other under blind fold n ll b dating each other wid me n swati asking Q's in between..n @ d end v'll stripp off d folds frm their eyes"...hmm n now the big part was left..the guests fo our 1st show..Swati suggested fo Bansi n Deepshikha...i agreed. I prepared list f Q's to b asked n the script too.
Same day V had the recording it was 5pm i reached CC wid swati, Suchi di came in our 1st recording to assist us. Well I n Swati went inside the recording room in front of a compu n started....the 1st part was very enthufull...maza aya..den swati interviewed Bansi...n all dis tym Deepshikha was away frm d recording room n dint knw who was her BLIND DATE. well it ws mine n Deepu's tym nw, BAnsi waas pulled out f d room while i was interviewing Deepu, well it was really very sucking f me...i ws xtermely formal jus asking the list f Q's n dint do it in 1st take...nw it was the second take-I fucked the fear in me...n d take was muaaaaaah!
The show went on n on....n V finished@8pm wid a fab 1st recording...n guess wat happened after d show...bansi n deepu exchanged thier mob nos. n went for a DINNER DATE...oooohh>>
I n swati came bak hostel it ws 9pm, jus 1hr ws left fo our show to be AIRED...aaahh it was even more exciting to see ppl waiting fo 10pm eagerly....n jus few minutes to 10 i called SWATI n wished luck fo both f us. Nw it was 10pm, i borrowed 2.1 creative speakers frm GUJJUS...our voice was in evry1's ears. My heart beats were out f control,jus after 3-4 minutes only ppl started feeling d warmth f d show n so do I,my G-Talk was loaded with msgs frm d listeners all praising ma 1st show....it ws lyk a fish market in ma room but i was all concentrated on d voices coming out f d speakers. Donno y but i got a lot f gud comments on d texture f ma voice...i was really happy listening to myself fo d first tym on NIT-DGP's radio station...every1 was jus madly shouting listening to our show....as our show moved on d TRP rating f our show ws taking heights.
After d show i got a CONGRATULATION CALL frm deepu my senior RJ n a kool frnd f mine. I was out f ma senses till den...god I was "The RJ-SHANKY" till den...wwoooooohhh>>
Swati called me, V congratulated each other..i got some msgs frm other frns too congratulating me!!
Frm d next day only Deepu n Bansi were found everywhere together wid hands in hands>>V gifted a nu pair to NIT-DGP....hence a successful show..lolz!!
Alls well that ends well...but it ended fantabulously! I WAS SATISFIED WID RJ $H@NKY!